Claim Scottsmiraclegro rebate at – If you’re like many homeowners around the country, then you take great pride in your property’s lawn or garden. This means that you probably count on products such as Scotts Miracle Gro, and you probably keep a lot of product on hand.


Did you know that you can claim a rebate for your purchases from the manufacturer at Simply scroll on the learn more about the claim process.

Review of the Scotts Miracle Gro Rebate Program at

The first thing you’ll need to do is go to the official Scotts Miracle Gro rebate site at, and you’ll see the online entry form. Here, you’ll see instructions and FAQs that prompt you to begin the entry process. If you click further, you’ll see the current PDF versions of whichever promotion that’s going on at the present moment.


First things first: Be sure to hold on to the UPC code of the product that you’re trying to make a claim for first. In case you don’t know, the UPC code is the square (or the rectangle) strand of bars that are either located on the back of a product, or it’s located on the bottom of a product.

Keep in mind that with Scotts products (such as soil or fertilizer), the box, bag or the bottle might contain more than one set of codes. This is why the manufacturer suggests that you call their customer service department if you become confused as to which code you should use in order to get your money back.


But no matter what you do, do not throw away the box or the bottle that you’re using to make claim your. You won’t be able to submit anything if you throw the product packaging away!

Things You’ll Need To Keep To Get Your ScottsMiracleGoRebate

In addition to the product packaging, you will need to hold on to a couple more things:

1. The submission number
2. The offer code

You’ll need to hold on to the submission number because this is the number you will need to reference in the event you need to reach out to customer service. This is the number that ties in to your actual submission for the Scotts Miracle Gro Rebates.


When you first go to the Scotts Rebate Center, and after you take the appropriate steps to start the rebate process, you’ll receive your submission code online. Keep this number in a safe location until the claim process has been completed.

Next, there’s the offer code. The offer code is a bit different in that this is the number that ties into the actual offer. This number allows customer service to find the specific terms and conditions of the offer that you’re trying to claim at the Scotts rebate center website. Again, hold on to this number.

Keeping both of these important numbers will make your life easier, and it will help the claim process flow smoother. It also keeps you in compliance with the offer’s terms and conditions.

Claiming Multiple ScottsMiracleGroRebates

If you’re wondering whether or not you can claim more than one rebate for Scott products, then the answer is yes. However, you’ll need to consult the terms and conditions. Specifically, you can file a claim for more than one offer. You are instructed to ask for a duplicate receipt at your register when you are purchasing product.

Hold on to both of these, because you’ll submit both when claiming a rebate on both. In other words, you can get one rebate per receipt.

Another thing to keep in mind is that you can only submit one receipt per envelope in the mail. Do not make the mistake of mailing multiple receipts in one envelope. You’ll waste your time, because only one receipt will be honored.

How Long Should it Take to Get Your Scotts Rebates?

The amount of time it takes for consumers like you to actually submit your rebate information is dependent upon you. Of course, if you consult the terms and conditions (or the FAQ page), and if you follow all of the directions on this guide, then the process will be a lot easier for you.

Having said this, according to the Scotts rebate website, you should expect your rebate in the mail within 6-8 weeks. But if this time period has elapsed, then you are instructed to contact the manufacturer’s customer service team to request a status check. You might also want to verify that you’ve performed all of the steps correctly in order to receive your check.


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